April 7, 2025, 12-1PM EST.

Canada’s Tri-agency and the Fonds de recherche du Québec recently announced that they will be phasing out the CCV and will instead require a narrative CV for all funding applications in the very near future. A narrative CV is a format that provides a flexibly structured, written description of a researcher’s contributions and achievements, and has the potential to reflect a broader range of relevant skills, experiences, and qualitative impacts than can often be seen in a traditional academic CV. The narrative format allows researchers to describe their diverse career paths and contributions to research, beyond or instead of bibliometric measurements of scholarly publications. The Tri-agency has released the narrative format it will require, called the “Tri-agency CV” (TCV). This workshop will provide practical strategies, guidance, and concrete examples for research administrators working with researchers who are crafting their TCVs for the first time. A bilingual (English and French) question period will follow.

Presented by: Eli Friedland, Advisor, Institutional Equity and Recognition Initiatives, Concordia University

Eli Friedland works in the Office of Research at Concordia University (Montréal). His dual portfolio includes equity in research funding proposals (research design and research practice) and external research prize and award nominations. Since 2019 he has led Concordia’s efforts to provide education and guidance on EDI for individual researchers and teams applying for Tri-agency funding, and to successfully develop comprehensive EDI proposals for large-scale institutional projects such as the CRC Program, CFREF and CFI. Since 2020 he has also worked with over a hundred researchers to develop impact narratives for prize nomination dossiers and secure top Québec, Canadian and international awards. He has been developing narrative CV workshops and tools for researchers since 2023.

Date de l'événement: 07 Apr 2025 | Ville: | Site / Liue: Online