Rescheduled to April 16, 2025, 12-1PM EST.  

Between November 2023 and July 2024, Letitia Henville interviewed over 150 former peer reviewers from the CIHR Project, NFRF Explorations, NSERC Discovery, and SSHRC Insight and Insight Development competitions. This webinar shares peer reviewers' perspectives on reading, scoring, and discussing grant applications, and provides advice to grants facilitators and officers based on the unwritten norms and expectations of peer review. Participants will be provided with a URL from which they can access resources related to the webinar.
Presented by: Letitia Henville 

Letitia Henville (she/her) is a book nerd, bad swimmer, and the author of the monthly academic writing advice column "Ask Dr. Editor.” She specializes in editing for faculty members in the health sciences, education, social sciences, and humanities, with a special focus on grant applications and tenure and promotion dossiers. Learn more about Letitia at

Date de l'événement: 16 Apr 2025 | Ville: | Site / Liue: Online