Join us, every second Friday of the month, to share your reflections, experiences, and get advice from others as we discuss a journal article from our field of work.
The article chosen for discussion will be announced in the week prior to the meeting. To consult the list of past presentations: Journal Club Sessions. 

Watch the CARA listserv or CARA website for more information on upcoming sessions and contact the organizers to suggest a future journal club article or to volunteer to host a session.  Registering below will grant you access to all Journal Club sessions from September 2024 to March 2025.

As a way to continue our monthly conversations, we have started an on-line Grant Facilitators Community of Practice (CoP). Participants are mostly Journal Club Attendees. If you would like to join, please contact to be added to the list. 

Next Session:

The next Grant Facilitators’ Journal Club is Friday, March 14. Véronique Covanti, Research Facilitator at the Faculty of Arts at the Université du Québec à Montréal, will present:
Marx V. (2023). Grant-writing rituals. Nature methods, 20(7), 947.

Upcoming Sessions:

  • April 11, 2025, 2-3pm EST
  • June 13, 2025, 2-3PM EST

Previous Sessions:

January 10, 2025, 

Godwin, RC et al. (2024). Grant drafting support with guided generative AI software. SoftwareX, 27, 101784. If you cannot access the subscription-based version, contact me ( for a preprint copy.    

December 13, 2024, 

Windsor, L. C., & Kronsted, C. (2022). Grant Writing and the Hidden Curriculum: Mentoring and Collaborating Across Disciplines. PS: Political Science & Politics, 55(2), 313-323.

Presented by : Nicole Westlund Stewart, Lakehead University

November 8 2024, 2-3pm EST

Article for discussion : Opipari, V. P., Lumeng, J. C., Youmans, B., & Silverstein, F. (2019). Mandated Research Peer Review Positively Impacts Research Funding Success Rates for Young Investigators. The Journal of pediatrics210, 3–4.
Presented by:  Brandi Povitz, University of Calgary


Brandi Povitz

Research Grants Development Officer

Cumming School of Medicine | University of Calgary

Gen Clark

Manager, Research Development and Graduate Affairs

College of Pharmacy and Nutrition | University of Saskatchewan

Ann-Marie Field

Research Facilitator

Faculty of Communication | Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

Event Date: Recurring | City: | Venue: Online