Research Contracts: Similarities & Differences between Hospitals, Universities and Colleges

Research Contracts: Similarities & Differences between Hospitals, Universities and Colleges. 
Nov 26 2024, 12-1PM EST. 

We often hear discussions about how to negotiate a contract with an industry sponsor - but what about working with a fellow academic institution? This panel will hear from contracts experts, each with a different background: hospital, university and college. If we are negotiating with each other, why might one organization ask for a specific clause? What can we not agree to? Let's discuss how we can work together better!
This webinar was a session at the 2024 CARA National Conference.
Presented by: Lauren Gogo, Carolyn Mullin and Taylor van Veen

Lauren Gogo is currently the Manager of Research Contracts at Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation. She is responsible for reviewing and negotiating clinical research contracts and providing direction to a team of contract negotiators, as well as focusing on strategic and policy projects involving research. Prior to joining HHSC, Lauren was a Contracts Officer at the University of Toronto and a Research Business Analyst at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, and negotiated many clinical trial agreements as well as participated on the research ethics board to answer any contract-related questions. Lauren has a Masters in Biomedical Technology, and is an active member of the Canadian Association of Research Administrators (CARA) as a Member at Large on the Board. Lauren has contributed articles to the CARA Connection and blog, presented webinars, and has also presented workshops and sessions at CARA National.

Carolyn Mullin is the Director – Strategic Partnerships, with the Research & Innovation division at Niagara College. She joined Research & Innovation in 2012 after several years in the communications industry, including many as a newspaper reporter and editor, and an award-winning freelance writer for publications across the country. Carolyn has also worked as a communications specialist in the non-profit and government sector. As part of the Research team, she is responsible for funding proposal development, business development operations, and the creation and dissemination of research-based communications, in all relevant forms. She also oversees the two multi-institution networks led by Niagara College – the Southern Ontario Network for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation (SONAMI), and the Greenhouse Technology Network (GTN). Carolyn is a graduate of the Journalism program at Niagara College, and holds an Honours BA and an MA, both in English, from Brock University.

Taylor van Veen is currently a Research Partnerships Officer at the University of Toronto. His responsibilities include negotiating funded and non-funded research agreements with both industry and public sector partners. Taylor also is responsible for assisting professors with NSERC Alliance and OCI Collaborate 2 Commercialize applications. Taylor has obtained a HBSc from the University of Toronto (Canada), a JD from Case Western Reserve University School of Law (USA) and a LLM for the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Spain).

Event Date: 26 Nov 2024 | City: | Venue: Online

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    Research Contracts: Similarities & Differences between Hospitals, Universities and Colleges Tue, Nov 26 12:00PM   $60.00  
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    Research Contracts: Similarities & Differences between Hospitals, Universities and Colleges Tue, Nov 26 12:00PM   $240.00  
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