June 4, 2025, 12-1:30PM EST. 
In this 90 minute session we will have CARA colleagues from across Canada share their expertise and insights into developing a funding proposal.


12:00 pm - Welcome & Introduce Expert Panel

12:10 pm - Pierre-Jean Alarco, Advisor, Knowledge Mobilization & Community Engagement, Office of Research/Centre for Technological Development, Polytechnique Montreal

12:20 pm - Shelley Brown, Inaugural Director, Strategic Initiatives & Programs, Dalhousie University - Large-scale/team grant opportunities, and the role of a research administrator in supporting these applications.

12:30 pm - Frances Chandler, Past-President CARA and former Director of Research Services, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia - Community grant writing and how it can help people in their collaboration between university and community, to hone their skills, and to learn more about alternative sources of funding.

12:40 pm – Heidi Smithson, Research Facilitator, College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan

12:50 pm - Michael Johnny, Manager, Knowledge Mobilization, York University

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm Q & A Session

Presented by: Pierre-Jean Alarco, Shelley Brown, Frances Chandler, Michael Johnny, Heidi Smithson

Pierre-Jean Alarco

Pierre-Jean (him/he) holds a Masters in Organic Chemistry. Since 2011, Pierre-Jean contributed within Polytechnique’s Grant Office, as Grant facilitator to strategic and targeted initiatives. In 2013, he took on the stewardship of the NSERC-CREATE program, which he managed successfully, with CREATE-OPSIDIAN a training program entirely focused on Power Skills acquisition being one such grant awarded. As Knowledge Mobilization Officer, since 2018 he is structuring societal impact and knowledge mobilization strategies at Polytechnique Montreal. Grant proposals big and small all have to tell us about goals (outcomes) and objectives (how to get there) but answering why do we start writing a grant and how do we make it stand out are the not so visible steps he will discuss.

Shelley Brown

Shelley Brown received her PhD in Pharmacology and Therapeutics from McGill University in 2008. She subsequently moved into a research administration position with the University Health Network in Toronto, supporting the development of strategic initiatives and large-scale funding applications. In 2012, Shelley relocated to Halifax, NS and, after providing consulting services for a few years, joined Dalhousie’s Office of Research Services in 2015. In 2022, Shelley became the Director, Strategic Initiatives & Programs. She has developed a wealth of experience in working with researchers and research teams on large scale and complex funding opportunities. Shelley will discuss strategies, supports and points for consideration in the development of large-scale funding opportunities.

Frances Chandler

Prior to Dr. Frances Chandler's retirement, she was the Director of Ch’nook Indigenous Business Education, Research Support Services, and the Sauder Social Entrepreneurship-Kenya program at the Sauder School of Business, UBC. She was also President of CARA, an instructor with the Mohawk Certificate program in research administration, and a mentor. Prior to working at UBC she was Brock University's Associate Director of Research, an Assistant Editor of a journal, a PhD student, and President of the board for a non-profit agency in Niagara. Dr. Chandler holds an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies majoring in Urban and Regional planning, a Master’s degree in Social Welfare Policy, a Bachelor’s degree in Education and a PhD majoring in educational leadership. She has lived and worked in Northern and Southern Ontario, Ghana, China, Kenya, and Vancouver. This presentation will focus on the impact that an expertise in grant writing can have on one's career both within and outside of academia.

Michael Johnny

Michael Johnny is the Manager of Knowledge Mobilization at York University, working in this role since 2006. Michael's work focuses on brokering and supporting research partnerships, building the capacity of knowledge mobilization at York, and helping community engage with research to effectively address real world challenges. Michael will discuss the importance of relationships for successful knowledge mobilization planning, along with the key considerations in crafting a KMb/KT plan.

Heidi Smithson

Heidi Smithson has more than 25 years of experience as a grant writer, editor, research administrator, and research facilitator. She began her career in grant writing while completing her Master of Arts degree in English at the University of Regina. She also holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and Psychology. Heidi has worked as a grant writer, editor, and communications specialist for the Faculty of Engineering at URegina and for the Petroleum Technology Research Centre. She has also taught engineering communications to first year and graduate engineering students. After serving for a time as Research Finance Officer for health research at URegina, in 2015, she became the Research Facilitator in the College of Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan. Most recently, Heidi has taken on the role of Senior Research Specialist in the USask office for Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives, which provides pre- and post-award support to major institutional grants at USask. Heidi will speak about the importance of meeting expectations in grant writing.

Event Date: 04 Jun 2025 | City: | Venue: Online